Browse Student Reports

Fly Ortholog: 
Big brain (bib)
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
There was no observable phenotype
Student Name: 
Catherine Smith and Lan Dao
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
No obvious phenotype directly due to knockdown of Rae1, completely lethal by end of pupal stage.
Student Name: 
Bradley Davis and Kayla Hanson
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
Tat interactive protein 60kDA (Tip60)
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
Twelve beetles exhibited abnormal pigmentation of their wings. Seven of those twelve beetles also failed eclosion.
Student Name: 
Hunter Gazda and Connor Huelsman
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
Dan and Danr
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
The observed phenotype of the beetles was a fusion of the distal segments in the antennae for the highest concentration of dsRNA used (1ug/uL).
Student Name: 
Amnjot Hothi, Trevor Gilbert, Jake Stoler
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
Dopamine N-acetyltransferase (DAT)
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
RNAi pupae exhibited no change in case color while the adults showed a change in eye color from with to black
Student Name: 
Bao Tram Hoang & Anqi Chen
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
COP9 signalasome subunit 1b
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
The RNAi phenotypes observed did not align with the original hypothesis. Unlike Drosophila, leg and antennae morphological development was unaffected when CSN1b was knocked down in Tribolium.
Student Name: 
Casey Horan and Sean Ogurek
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
There was no observable change in the eye. However, the RNAi beetles showed a reduced, almost absent coxa, reduced/absent segmentation between the femur and proximal tibia, and only one pre tarsus.
Student Name: 
Bridget Dames and Sarah Kosse
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
Pupae had large and/or misshapen wings. In the beetles that survived to adulthood, one had reduced segmentation on two of its tarsi and an extra claw.
Student Name: 
Bethany Williams & Nelchi Prashali
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
There was no observable change in the body size of our beetles, but they appeared to be healthy.
Student Name: 
Danielle Owens, Jordan Brady
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
Fly Ortholog: 
RNAi Phenotype Description: 
Darker color and reduced length to width ratio as pupae. Start of ectopic eye or wing formation (GFP signal) in pupae back. Adjusted spacing and shape of ommatidial rows in the eyes.
Student Name: 
Kristina Taynor, Mikey Solomon
RNAi Phenotype/Assay Images: 
